Tuesday 20 September 2016

A quilt

Aubrey finally has a quilt...its only taken .... 8 years
I'm terrible
I remember finishing the top two years ago and it has just sat there.
So one afternoon I was determined to finish it.
It took 2 hours to quilt...why I didn't do it sooner I don't know.
I do think projects seem a lot bigger in your head than they actually are. 

The only problem is its quite small on my very tall nearly 11 year old!
A request was made.
So there is a twin size crochet project on the needles for her.
Which won't take 8 years.

and how can I say no when she gives a lift to her brother, who fell in a stinging nettle patch, back to the car


  1. It is a very cute quilt, love all the dots and it is such pretty colors. A sweet quilt for a sweet girl.

  2. I bet she will love that cute little quilt forever anyway. ---"Love"

  3. It's a darling quilt and yes, she deserves a crocheted project as well.

  4. It's a delightful quilt and will always be special to her.
